With as little as $500, you can invest in a Credit Union Share Certificate and maximize your earnings.
Available with terms of 6 months to 5 years.
Early withdrawal fees may reduce earings.
What is a Share Certificate?
- A Share Certificate is somewhat like a frozen saving account for the money you already have that earns a premium dividend.
- You decide from the amount of money you have, how much you want to put in the frozen saving account.
- You decide how long you would like to leave the money in the frozen saving account (term).
- Once the money is committed into the frozen savings, it stays there for teh specified period.
- You no longer have liquid access to the money.
- If you need access to your Share Certificate money before the time (term) is over, you may do so with early withdrawal fees that could reduce your earnings.
- Once the time (term) is over, you may remove your money from the frozen savings or opt to 'freeze' the money again.
To open your certificate today, Contact Us
View our Rate & Fee Schedule.